Somatic Therapies
for Trauma

Unlock healing and resilience with our comprehensive list of resources for body therapies developed for trauma recovery. Dive into guided practices, expert insights, and tools designed to aid individuals in safely releasing and processing the effects of trauma on the body and mind.

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Somatic Therapy

  • Rather than talk therapy, somatic therapies focus on the relationship between the mind and body.

    This article from Very Well Mind states that somatic therapies “may include breath work, meditation, visualization, massage, grounding, dance, and/or sensation awareness work”

  • Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma - Peter A. Levine
    By normalizing trauma symptoms and guiding readers through exercises focused on bodily sensations, the book emphasizes the steps needed to heal from seemingly ordinary but potentially traumatic life experiences.

    The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma - Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
    Dr. van der Kolk, an expert in trauma, explores how trauma physically alters the body and brain, impacting pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. The book discusses innovative treatments, such as neurofeedback, meditation, and various activities like sports and yoga, that leverage the brain's natural neuroplasticity for recovery.

Trauma Release Exercises for the Seattle Area

  • Certain movements such as stretching and controlled breathing can calm the body’s state when it is suffering from trauma. These exercises are called Trauma Release Exercises (TRE).

  • Rewire Therapy combines multiple research-backed healing modalities into theory modules and 10-minute guided therapeutic exercises to help release trauma.

    Access to all Rewire Therapy’s program are FREE to Studio Saudade’s Coaching Clients.

Looking for Trauma Support?

Studio Saudade provides multiple programs geared toward trauma survivors and family members of trauma victims. Click the button below to discuss which program is best for you.

Kind Words from Our Clients

“I am so appreciative of the Rewire Therapy that you shared with us. The drawings that you had us do helped me so much. It helped me to release some of the pressure that my grief holds... pressure meaning a physical pressure, like a heavy weight. Thank you.”

- K.H. | Seattle, WA

“The support and love was genuine. They fully understood the trauma and addressed everything I needed for the grief that followed. I felt the load taken off my shoulders, and sharing with others in the same emotions was more liberating than I would ever have thought. Highly recommend.”

- J.L. | Seattle, WA

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

– Maya Angelou